Host Erin Chamerlik, holistic nutrition educator, interviewed the late Robert K. Su, MD. 

Dr. Su shared insight and knowledge concerning diabetes and the use of a carbohydrate restricted diet in reversing type 2 diabetes.

Host: Erin Chamerlik, MS

Erin's new book, released 2020: The Reclaim Diet

Do you just want to GET BETTER? 

Are you tired of prescription medication and all of their side-effects? 

If you are done with yo-yo diets that leave you starving and fail in the end please listen to this show. 

This is not medical advice, I just share information. 

Consult your doctor about medication and any health concern that you have.


He graduated from Nagasaki University School of Medicine in 1971, and received his Medical Doctor degree. He briefly interned at the Department of Surgery, Nagasaki City Hospital, after his graduation from medical school. He completed his internship at Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1972. He finished his residency in anesthesiology at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia in 1974. He has been in private practice in anesthesiology and pain management since 1974. He continued to practice pain management full time until 2006. He continues to practice pain management, part-time, with acupuncture.

Dr. Su is an experienced physician – certainly not a wide-eyed advocate of every new dietary fad that comes around – as well as living proof that carbohydrates are one of the most underrated and misunderstood threats to consumers today.