If you are taking prescription medication to manage cholesterol, blood pressure, depression, blood sugar, or other conditions, you are among the nearly 50% of all americans who do the same.  Is your medication stealing nutrients from your body?

Suzy Cohen, author, Drug Muggers: Which Medications are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients and Natural Ways to Restore Them, will share vital information that everyone needs to hear about prescription medication.

Host: Erin Chamerlik, MS


Erin's new book, released 2020: The Reclaim Diet

Host Erin Chamerlik, holistic nutritionist will bring practical information to help you reclaim health naturally. 

Have you been duped by the wrong advice? You can reclaim your life!

Get 15% off Professional grade supplements: https://wellevate.me/jacqueline-erin-chamerlik

See Erin’s product recommendations on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/shop/getbetterwellness

This podcast and websites mentioned are not intended as a substitute for any advice, medical care and/or treatment of your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision.