Hello listeners! Welcome to another episode of Reckless A-Talk, our TTRPG interview show where we sit down with some of our favorite writers, players, GMs, and streamers to get to know a little bit more about what makes them who they are.

We are super excited to bring not one BUT TWO guests to you this week, Alex and Asa of Backwards Tabletop.

Backwater focuses on American Gothic Horror settings and mechanics, and have released several locations for their flavorful, monstrous, postapocalyptic setting, including LITERALLY A NEW ONE TODAY (if you’re listening the day the episode comes out).

We have a real blast chatting about telling the stories that you love, exploring history and today through TTRPGs, capitalism as the true monster, and much, much more.

See you next time!


CW: Dog vomit (1:17:28 to 1:18:09)

The Itch page: https://backwards-games.itch.io/quickstart

Newsletter: https://us1.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=005ee5ab9bf87e09ebf16ed73&id=18d169dc63 




Crossroads Games: “Backwater: Jack’s Rebellion” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXoTO3Rwqbw

ELBOW (The Eldritch Lady Badasses of Wrestling)


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