This week on Reckless Airwaves Radio-Dead Air, Rachel, the creator of the Laurn Dakat series on Youtube joins Dead Air.

We get all the details from Rachel about the characters she has brought to life...Laurn & Cindy and the skits/videos she creates for her Youtube channel- Laurn Dakat.

Rachel also talks about the work it takes to bring her characters to life including video/audio production as well as charcacter development and expanding her work down the line.

From LDK Youtube page:

"Describe LDK: I have a bit of a unique genre with a variety of styles. My supporters have described my videos as having a Lynchian feel & other videos as a comic book or South Park vibe. It’s early days yet & I’m excited to keep building depth into my current characters, adding new characters, doing collaborations & experimenting with this craft. This was a recent career change for me, but I feel like I was always meant to do this work."