Welcome back to another grand adventure with three of the greatest adventures to sit at the table. Today we discuss an incident recently when a player used an app and argued the rules that were written in the app versus the book. What makes you want to buy the newest 5e books and publications, and where do you like to buy from. Finally, are the reductions to new and old monsters getting out of hand they feel really gutted right now? 

We have a different way than most when deciding on the initiative, and each of us explains why we think our way is the best.  Action economy what is it and how it could be better for 5e or so, says Loc the Bard. Does a thief have to be a thief, or can it be something else depending on how you play or build it?

Chef Bolgg and the Pirate Captain discuss the process in which they create their characters to play, and what famous creator/writer is the inspiration to our beloved Pirate Captain? What is Pirate Captain's biggest issue with inspiration points, and what would he rather do with them? Is it better to reward players with inspiration points or something more tangible for the player themselves?