Today I have something very special for you.
This is part 3 of our basic supplement series. Ninety-one percent of people, statistically with a researched data, have the problem that we’re going to talk about today. Most of you can benefit immensely from today’s podcast. We are talking about omega three fatty acids and my personal favorite, cod liver oil. For hundreds of years, cod liver oil has been used as a staple for people’s general health. Where did it all go?

Many times people have memories of their grandmother having some cod liver oil maybe when they were kids. But you don’t see it as often nowadays. But actually people need it more than ever. I think maybe years ago the taste was so awful that people just got rid of it from their cabinets. That’s probably understandable. But today the manufacturing has gotten to be significantly better, and it doesn’t really taste like much of anything. A lot of it just has some simple flavors like lemon. It seems to be the most common for the ones that we sell or recommend.

In recent years, the processing has gotten to the point where even my kids like it. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal for you. There’s a resurgence in interest in Vitamin D, this is where cod liver oil becomes my favorite. As people become more inside people and less outside people, there is a greater demand for Vitamin D and you can hardly watch a news show today without seeing somebody talking about the deficiencies of Vitamin D and a bazillion other diseases that it helps prevent. Most people talk about prevention of cancer, heart disease and autoimmune diseases with vitamin D. It’s not without trouble. It’s can also be one of the most most toxic vitamins.

The natural way you would normally get Vitamin D is from the sunshine and your food. It goes in to your liver and it creates an active Vitamin D hormone and you get the health benefits from that. The best way to get Vitamin D is actually sunshine, but that’s not the only way. Sometimes for those of us who spend a lot of time inside, we need to get it in our diet. That’s where cod liver oil comes in, because it also occurs with Vitamin A which has a natural protective benefit.

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