Mariko Kosaka さんをゲストに迎えて、JavaScript コミュニティ、Chrome, HTTPS, 標準化、Unicode などについて話しました。

Show Notes
OneSignal - Multi-platform Push Notification Service
Jed Schmidt on Twitter: "headed to meet the legendary @miyagawa in a few"
John Resig - JavaScript Programming
Khan Academy
John Resig -
ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, JSON, and More
Chromium Blog: A secure web is here to stay
Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as ‘not secure’ starting in July
Yahoo! JAPANサービスは常時SSL(AOSSL)に対応します
Let's Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS Certificates
Issue with TLS-SNI-01 and Shared Hosting Infrastructure
Dave Winer on HTTPS
People sometimes wonder why the @googlechrome team pushes HTTPS so hard
EV Cert is Broken
TC39 - ECMAScript
Automatic Semicolon Insertion
Editorial: Add Automatic Semicolon Insertion hazard clause
Brendan Eich
JavaScript Standard Style
Kebab Case
Flag Symbols
ユニコード戦記 ─文字符号の国際標準化バトル | 小林龍生
Han unification
UTS #37: Unicode Ideographic Variation Database
Inside Frontend
O'Reilly Velocity
超速! Webページ速度改善ガイド
Stimulus: A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have.
YouTube for Apple TV overhauled with cross-platform design
Safari Technology Preview 46 brings Service Workers to Apple’s browser
Podcasting Guide 2017 – Tatsuhiko Miyagawa’s Blog

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