Hakuro Matsuda さんをゲストに迎えて、Intel, AMD, Jeff Dean, iMac Pro, Apple TV, ネット中立性などについて話しました。

Show Notes
Intel to Create new 8th Generation CPUs with AMD Radeon Graphics
AMD Ryzen™ | AMD
Larrabee (microarchitecture)
Rasterization on Larrabee | Intel® Software
Raja Koduri Joins Intel as Chief Architect to Drive Vision across Cores, Visual Computing
Snapdragon 845 Mobile Platform | Qualcomm
Snapdragon 845 could introduce the next generation of Windows 10 on ARM
Don’t buy the first-gen Qualcomm-powered Windows 10 laptops
GPU Technology Conference 2018
Machine Learning Developer Meetup Tokyo
The Case for Learned Index Structures
ある時Jeff Deanは休暇でギリシャに出かけた
AlphaGo Zero: Learning from scratch | DeepMind
DeepMind's AlphaZero AI clobbered rival chess app on non-level playing, er, board
Rebuild: 134: Everything Becomes N (N, hak)
iMac Pro - Apple
MKBHD: iMac Pro: 1 Week Impressions!
iMac Pro Features Apple's Custom T2 Chip With Secure Boot Capabilities
Apple TV 4K - Apple
tvOS 11.2 fixes Apple TV 4K's biggest problem
Amazon Prime Video comes to Apple TV, finally
Daring Fireball: Amazon Prime Video Arrives on Apple TV
Apple TV Markup Language Reference: About TVML
Amazon Fire TV
Google and Amazon are in “productive” talks to keep YouTube on Fire TV
F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules
Pro-Neutrality, Anti-Title II
The FCC OKs Zero-Rating—But Net Neutrality Pays the Price
Major League Baseball blackout policy