We are back NEXT WEEK with a New Episode (August 3rd)!
There is purpose in the struggle -- and in the wrestling match. This episode received much feedback related to our struggles and to some degree God's Will. At times when we are struggling, it's hard to see how God is shaping and molding us through the Wrestling Match. 

In this episode, Catherine, Gina and Kristen explore Jacob's journey to becoming Israel through an all night, life changing wrestling match with God.  He aims to refine our character and can even use our brokenness to accomplish His purposes. Join us for a fascinating conversation about transition, growth and becoming who God desires us to be -- all through a wrestling match. 

It would mean the world to us if you would share this podcast with a friend as well as rate and review our show.

Be sure to go to reboundingfaith.com to get the Promimses of God and to see Gina's blog.

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