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Please join us at patreon.com/tortoiseshack
In this Reboot Republic, Rory talks to a panel of very special guests form Finland, Scotland and Ireland, who all work in the area of youth homelessness and housing. Joining him are Hilma Sormunen, from NAL, which builds and rents youth affordable housing in Finland (they talk about the Finnish experience of successfully reducing homelessness and their approach to housing as a social right and housing first approach), Tracey Longworth from Almond Housing Association, and Audrey Heron from Rock Trust in Scotland (who dicuss the Scottish homelessness and housing crisis, and what is being done there through Housing First for youth to provide homes), and finally Clare Austick, Housing Policy Manager with Cluid Housing, a not for profit housing provider in Ireland about what is being done in Ireland.
Thank you for an informed and engaging conversation.
Tickets for Thursday:https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/tortoise-shack-live-tickets-698299581847?aff=oddtdtcreator
New Shrapnel -Music, Conflict and Culture:https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-exclusive-89512183