Rebinging Star Trek DS9: The Changing Face of Evil

Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Deep Space Nine S7E20: The Changing Face of Evil. In this episode Kai Winn finally learns the truth about Dukat and poor Solbor pays the ultimate price for her sins.

The Changing Face of Evil

So many bad things happening this week! Kai Winn continues to dig into that evil book without much luck....that is until Solbor reveals Dukat's evil secret. With literal blood on her hands, Winn finally gets the book to show her its secrets. The Breen and the Dominion are fast friends now as the Federation suffers a tremendous battle loss. Sisko doesn't lose his son, but loses the thing he loves almost as much.

What's this rebinge thing?

It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines.

Please listen to some of our favorite episodes like Duet, The Visitor or Once More Unto the Breach or our VERY SPECIAL episode: Star Trek First Contact. And be sure to listen to our previous episode S7E19: Strange Bedfellows.

Next time...

Join us next week for S7E21: When it Rains...

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