Rebinging Star Trek DS9: Prodigal Daughter

Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Deep Space Nine S7E11: Prodigal Daughter. In this episode Ezri pays her family a visit and it is not all fun and games. Meanwhile, Miles gets into trouble looking for Bilby's wife.

Prodigal Daughter

When Miles goes missing on New Sydney, Sisko asks Ezri to enlist the help of her family. Well turns out Ezri's family is quite dysfunctional and her mother manipulates her into paying them a visit. We are in for some uncomfortable family dinners, some insults to Ezri about her hair and maybe a little bit of murder.

What's this rebinge thing?

It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines.

Please listen to some of our favorite episodes like Duet, The Visitor or Once More Unto the Breach or our VERY SPECIAL episode: Star Trek First Contact. And be sure to listen to our previous episode S7E10: It's Only a Paper Moon.

Next time...

Join us next week for S7E12: The Emperor's New Cloak.

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