Rebinging Star Trek DS9: Take Me Out to the Holosuite

Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Rebinge Deep Space Nine S7E4: Take Me Out to the Holosuite. We've finally reached the baseball episode! I've been waiting 7 seasons for this and it's finally here.

Take Me Out to the Holosuite

Sisko has been dealing with a Vulcan bully for the majority of his career (who knew?)! And when the bully challenges him to a game of baseball, Sisko can't resist accepting even though most of his crew has can't play. We spend a surprising amount of time in a Star Trek episode learning how to play baseball and playing baseball (sometimes badly). This is a light-hearted episode with Sisko channeling Dusty Baker through the use of a tooth pick.

What's this rebinge thing?

It's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about. We go deep with every episode, walking you through every scene and analyzing all of the characters and story lines.

Please listen to some of our favorite episodes like Duet, The Visitor or Sacrifice of Angels or our VERY SPECIAL episode: Star Trek First Contact. And be sure to listen to our previous episode S7E3: Afterimage.

Next time...

Join us next week for S7E5: Chrysalis.

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