Lindsay Stein is the Chief Executive Officer of Today, I’m Brave, a non-profit organization focused on unlocking bravery in every child, teen, and young adult around the world. Lindsay had a stellar career in journalism, PR, and advertising: she led the editorial team for Campaign and was a reporter for Ad Age and PRWeek. But, after being presented the opportunity to spearhead social good projects that impact people’s lives, Lindsay left the advertising and marketing world to join Today, I’m Brave and became its first CEO in July 2020.

Lindsay joins me today to discuss what it means to cultivate a brave culture and how we can be brave ambassadors. She highlights the difference between a “mission” and a “movement” and explains why she pivoted her career into the not-for-profit world. She shares the initiatives and efforts of Today, I’m Brave to help young people unlock their bravery. She also shares empowering stories of bravery and underscores the reason leaders need to show their vulnerability. 

“Bravery is more than a mindset: it is a force within all of us. When we unlock that force, we can take on challenges that seem insurmountable.” - Lindsay Stein

This week on Rebel Souls:

Rebelling FOR bravery and individuals who are yet to unlock their bravery What Today, I’m Brave is and the difference between a mission and a movement What bravery means and how we can unlock it in the younger generation Braving it forward and why Lindsay chose to transition to the nonprofit world The role of leaders in cultivating the brave culture The importance of doing what lights your soul on fire The many different faces of bravery Rebel leadership and why we have to re-write the meaning of success Creating and measuring Ripples of Impact The value of doing small acts of courage and bravery every day and how to celebrate them The power and impact of leaders who show their vulnerability Exercises for self-love and acceptance Why Today, I’m Brave is organizing a Brave Camp The Brave Curriculum and why the world needs it Why Today, I’m Brave is helping students create bravery and diversity in the arts Building the Brave Library and the power of sharing stories of bravery What it means to be a Brave Ambassador

Resources Mentioned:

The Brave Bionic Girl: Tilly Lockey’s Brave Story Instilling Confidence with Cuts: Joshua Coombes’ Brave Story Cindy Gallop: Make love, not porn | TED Talk

Related Content:

Book: Soulbbatical: A Corporate Rebel’s Guide to Finding Your Best Life

Connect with Lindsay Stein:

Today, I’m Brave Today, I'm Brave on LinkedIn Today, I'm Brave on Instagram Today, I'm Brave on Facebook Today, I'm Brave on Twitter Lindsay Stein on LinkedIn Lindsay Stein on Instagram Lindsay Stein on Facebook Lindsay Stein on Twitter Lindsay Stein on Medium

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