Another city has dropped out of the process to host the 2026 Winter Olympics. With Sapporo, Japan ending their bid. The prospect of Calgary becoming a two time Olympic host city is getting closer to becoming reality. The latest lowball cost estimates peg the tab for hosting the two week long party for the world at $5.2B - up a full billion from early April estimates. Joining me to break it all down is GUEST: William McBeath of Save Calgary.

Another city has dropped out of the process to host the 2026 Winter Olympics. With Sapporo, Japan ending their bid. The prospect of Calgary becoming a two time Olympic host city is getting closer to becoming reality. The latest lowball cost estimates peg the tab for hosting the two week long party for the world at $5.2B - up a full billion from early April estimates. Joining me to break it all down is GUEST: William McBeath of Save Calgary.

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