Hey girl! This is for you!  Learning about finances and even teaching them to others can be quite a challenge. This can be especially true if this is an area where you have been out of the workforce and are now ready to jump in, were kept from learning about finances (for example, a victim of domestic violence), divorced, single moms, widowed, or maybe just thinking about it seemed to be overwhelming. Often, women feel energized when learning from other women who have experienced similar situations as they have, pushed through it, and have made something successful from it. They feel empowered when the skills they learn can be put to use that enables them to shape not only their immediate lives but their future.   

Guest Arwen Becker, financial adviser, author, national speaker, and owner of “Becker Retirement Group” and the training company, “LIFE with Arwen” shared how after meeting with thousands of women over the years, she and her companies have taken a direct focus on impacting the way women are treated in the area of finance. Her reach is through radio, podcasts, books, and by giving 30+ “women’s only” events a year. She has made it “BRG’s” mission to help connect with women in her community who aren’t getting the attention and help they need and truly deserve. Her deep desire is to answer that overarching question of each woman, “Am I gonna be okay?”  

Excerpts from this episode: “Oftentimes, what women do, they spend 15 up to 15 percent of their years out of the workforce because they're either taking care of kids or they're taking care of parents…much more likely than their brothers to care for parents.”  

“I don't want to be a burden on my kids, but then what are you left with. We don't want to be a burden, but yet we are so generous by nature which is the part of this.” 

 “…if you're married, if you're not, you have sole responsibility of your own financial picture because you're gonna be the one handling it. Most likely at any point that you look in your life, some point in there, you're gonna be the one responsible and you better know how it works.”  

https://lifewitharwen.com     http://www.beckerretirement.com


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