Podcast number 92 brings a quote from Tehillim Chapter 92. Many groups visiting Poland have sung these words under the infamous gates of Auschwitz-Birkenau. They express a trust in, a reliance on Hashem - even in the darkest moments.

I was mulling over the concept of light and dark for quite a while. When looking up all the different scientific discussions on whether black and white are indeed opposites, or what these colours actually even are, I was hit by an extraordinary thought - I won't give it all away in the blurb. Suffice it to say that we have a strong tradition, which will be discussed, that the Redemption by necessity is preceded by Exile. But I hope to show that the seeds are found within the darkness itself, rather than despite the dark.

I would argue that this is perhaps part of the secret of the Blessings of Bilaam being within him, even though he intended curses. And even the scariest suggestion of all in Chazal, that there may have been an area of insight that Bilaam possessed, which even Moshe himself did not!

Not everything in black in white makes sense, they say. Let's try it here though...