It is often quipped, that it is unclear if choosing free will is determined, or accepting determinism is a choice...

You may have heard the idea compared to a game of cards: The hand that you are dealt is comparable to determinism - you couldn't do anything about it. The way you play the in your hands. That is free will.

There are obviously questions on the analogy. And there is an overlap with the nature/nurture debate - to which we have alluded. Essentially, however, as we have noted, Viktor Frankl speaks of it in terms of the situation in which you may find yourself placed. It may not be of your choice. But how you respond - that is in your hands.

We receive the Torah in this week's sedra - Yisro. He made a careful evaluation and chose to connect. Like the owner of the fig tree - watching and observing the right choice at the right time. Will we use the same careful evaluation? Or will we continue to make excuses? 

It's your choice...