I wonder if you ever found yourself in a situation where you complained about something, and had the tables turned on you. You were the one charged with the mission to rectify the situation. Gulp - we might just retract that complaint..

It's one thing to complain. It is another to act upon that complaint. We find the paradigm of such a character in Shoftim. Unsurprisingly, Gidon became a Judge over the Jewish nation. His qualification? He cared. When he complained about not experiencing Hashem's presence, he is not being an armchair observer. He genuinely cares - which unlocks his potential. He is then given further instructions - and answers to the call of duty.

We find the dew waiting for us in the morning. Like our Beloved - that Shlomo describes in Shir Hashirim, who is willing to wait outside patiently, for us to let Him in - hair wet from the dew that He has been sleeping on. Hashem promises to be the fresh, protective dew that not only protected the Manna in the desert, but kept it fresh, vibrant and ready  - dew is a symbol of revival and life. This is why Gidon asks for a sign in this area. He goes with the strength of wishing to protect his nation, whilst understanding that it is ultimately in Hashem's hands.

With his tiny army of 300 - against almost 150 thousand, he goes to war - armed with nothing but torches, jugs and Shofaros (The Midianites had confiscated all metal from them). There can be no hope to win such a battle...

...but he does...Next time we are called to stand up for something, are we going to accept it as our own call of duty?