The first example of someone being starstruck, as far as I am aware, is Sisera. In Shoftim Chapter 5, we find the following phrase: 'They fought from the Heavens; the stars [were moved] from their paths.' Amongst the many interpretations (excluding the wild one, that Sisera was attacked by aliens - yes, really!), the underlying theme is that Hashem either literally, or metaphorically (or indeed both) moved the stars to aid the Israelites against Sisera. 

The deeper meaning here is that Sisera was a follower of a belief in fate - a fixed mindset (see podcast #48 - 'FIxed Mindset v Growth Mindset). To him it seemed that the stars are fixed. If they - the zodiacal guides - are fixed, then, the argument goes, so is our fate.

Under the leadership of Devorah and Barak, the people saw the light. They understood that since Hashem controls, nay, created nature, then He is telling us not to follow a fixed mindset. We are not governed by a rigid fate. What would be the point? This is the secret that He shared with Avrom/Avrohom, when He told him to leave his astrology behind. In a sense, one could say that this message which Hashem embedded in Avrohom, made him the first real starstruck personality. But for the opposite reason. He was encountering the omnipotent, overriding power of Hashem. He was shown the light.

And this is our job too. To restore the distorted light that was twisted in that fateful Tammuz - back to the light that will lead, not mislead the nation from the Avoda Zara of Tammuz and the Eigel, to the Z'man Matan Toraseinu, and restoration of the true light of Torah.