We have spoken of being hemmed in - all the way back in episode #32 – Charge of The Light Brigade. When you think it’s all over – there’s no way out. And you feel forsaken, you don’t even realise that this is the point that you are about to be delivered. 

In the blink of an eye.

The 3 Weeks are described as two fences hemming us in – Bein Hametzorim – between the Straits. The days that could have been, and the days that just are... And we feel stuck. It’s painful. But the pain tells you that you are alive.

We will hear a bit about Alexander Donatz’s Holocaust Kingdom experience – in the torture chamber that was Majdanek, freedom could be found in the most unexpected of places. He espouses Viktor Frankl’s (himself a survivor) philosophy without having even met the man.

And we will discover the secret of the dawn itself within the darkest part of the night.