Family stickers on cars (01:31)
New Star Wars Trailer (06:16)
The #BoycottStarWarsVII Movement (14:45)
Michigan-Michigan State shock ending (19:54)
Oregon runs the streak to 12 over Washington (24:52)
The Seahawks woes lead us to discuss the pain vs. joy of being a sports fan (35:38)
The Colts attempt to confuse New England only to end up confusing themselves (49:08)
Will Scott Watch It? - November movies (54:43)
- Spectre (56:01)
- The Heist (61:37)
- Creed (63:50)
- The Night Before (65:22)
- The Good Dinosaur (66:41)
- Trumbo (69:21)
A review of the Bones Brigade documentary (73:03)
Matt will be a guest on Dark Angels and Pretty Freaks this week (84:07)

Intro - "In the House" (1994) by Pete Rock & CL Smooth
Outro - "Flava in Ya Ear" (1994) by Craig Mack

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