Yelp Desk - Stones (03:45) Will Neil Watch It? - January movies (10:27)
- Escape Room (14:15)
- The Last Man (15:59)
- State Like Sleep (17:56)
- Glass (19:37)
- King of Thieves (22:54)
- Replicas (24:53)
- American Hangman (26:46)
- The Vanishing (27:57) Flippin' robot (32:11) Sex doll consent? (37:38) Johnsons come in seven shapes (47:34) 2018 searches (51:12)

Intro/Outro - "A Little Bit of Heat" by Cha Nwabara

Check out more show information and episodes at Find us on twitter at @ReasonsAre. You can find Neil on twitter at @AngelsFreak7.

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