Enter our Tinkle Belle giveaway today (01:31) Block that gas with your Shreddies (03:13) Getting caught...by the dog (11:23) Matt's trip to see the in-laws (15:23) Zoos make you think! (17:40) We'd make lousy Tomb guards (25:00) Driver's Ed and worshipping Kenny Loggins? (35:49) Tense Oregon-Washington game (39:02) Boston Dynamics is at it again (47:10) My name is Mica, I live in your nightmares (50:44) Wanna wear a fur? (69:33) Podtoberfest is coming (72:23)

Intro/Outro - "A Little Bit of Heat" by Cha Nwabara

Check out more show information and episodes at ReasonsAreSeveral.com. Find us on twitter at @ReasonsAre. You can find Neil on twitter at @AngelsFreak7.

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