Our recent guest spots on Our Liner Notes, The Crazy Life and 7 Days a Geek (01:07) Matt's Oregon Ducks despair continues (05:35) What kind of football mentality would we have? (11:23) The Nascar Minute (17:58) October movie review (20:30)
- The Accountant; The Late Bloomer; Mascots; Inferno; Jack Reacher: Never Go Back; Keeping Up with the Joneses; Girl on a Train; The Birth of a Nation Email from Agent Palmer (38:36)
- Cubs (39:00)
- Louisville (42:36)
- Which Star Wars characters would we be? (43:53)
- Least favorite sports expressions (52:07) Email from Chris Maier: Why does Neil hate the Miami Dolphins? (60:22) Patreon launch - come get your bonus content! (63:22)
- Our first pledge, Brian, has an interesting story (64:31)

Intro - "In the House" (1994) by Pete Rock & CL Smooth
Outro - "Flava in Ya Ear" (1994) by Craig Mack

Check out more show information and episodes at ReasonsAreSeveral.com. Find us on twitter at @ReasonsAre. You can find Neil on twitter at @AngelsFreak7.

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