Typically on RD we aim our skepticism towards claims that are religious in nature. But for this RD extra we focus instead on some of the more common targets for skeptics: alternative medicine, the paranormal, and other fringe claims. It was all for the Pseudoscience Fair, an event organized by the CFI On Campus group at Grand Valley State University. What you will hear first is Luke Galen on the psychology behind pseudoscientific beliefs and followed by Jeremy Beahan on how to distinguish between genuine science and pseudoscience. Then at the end there is a brief panel discussion between Jeremy, Luke and Dr. Paul Critelli (a psychiatrist, Magician and mentalist who currently lives in the West Michigan Area). Thanks for listening, we'll be back next week with episode 60 of Reasonable Doubts. Reasonable Doubts: Your skeptical guide to religion offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, humanists, apologists looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions.