Over the past decade, no social critic has been more withering toward identity politics and cancel culture than Andrew Doyle,...

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Over the past decade, no social critic has been more withering toward identity politics and cancel culture than Andrew Doyle, the playwright, comedian, and journalist from Northern Ireland. Whether it's creating the parodic Twitter personality Titania McGrath or penning a best-selling defense of free speech, the Oxford-educated and openly gay Doyle has never missed an opportunity to show the folly of the political correctness currently eating its way through our universities, corporations, and politics like termites through soft wood.

His new book is The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World, and he spoke with Reason's Nick Gillespie about the sources of and solutions to what he calls the "frenzy of conformity" that characterizes so much of contemporary media, academia, and policy.

Produced by Nick Gillespie; Edited by Justin Zuckerman and Adam Czarnecki

The post How Woke Mobs Ruined Everything and What To Do About It appeared first on Reason.com.