Thanks for sticking with us, tonight we take a look at another English haunted castle Berry Pomeroy Castle is the perfect romantic ruin with a colourful history of intrigue, Tucked away in a deep wooded valley the 15th-century defences of the Pomeroy family castle, looms the dramatic ruined shell of its successor, the great Elizabethan mansion of the Seymours. Begun in around 1560 and ambitiously enlarged from around 1600, their mansion was intended to become the most spectacular house in Devon, a match for Longleat and Audley End. Never completed, and abandoned by 1700, it became the focus of blood-curdling ghost stories.


Thanks for sticking with us, tonight we take a look at another English haunted castle Berry Pomeroy Castle is the perfect romantic ruin with a colourful history of intrigue, Tucked away in a deep wooded valley the 15th-century defences of the Pomeroy family castle, looms the dramatic ruined shell of its successor, the great Elizabethan mansion of the Seymours. Begun in around 1560 and ambitiously enlarged from around 1600, their mansion was intended to become the most spectacular house in Devon, a match for Longleat and Audley End. Never completed, and abandoned by 1700, it became the focus of blood-curdling ghost stories.