Put on your Slush Puppie socks, because we're back for De Mol België Season 11 - and its visit (which we can take partial credit for) to Arizona! Over these nine weeks, three guys who have been known to intentionally throw the coin toss - Michael, Logan & Bindles - have been recapping and breaking down everything that happens as we try and work out who to get matching tattoos with, concluding with the reunion.

In this episode - we wonder whether our cameo was successful, Bindles shows up, we blame the "Bloody DeLorean", there's a bit of gloaty housekeeping, Comfort's attitude as Mole is refreshing, we touch upon Finale Fashion, Gilles' secret is revealed, the cameo is critiqued, another Mole franchise spoils its third Mole, the season's legacy is analysed, the opportunity to dump on NetMol is taken, our next Mole Historians is spelt out, Bindles has been sneaky (fifteen times!) and credit is given to those we deem worthy.

Please note: This episode is intended on being spoiler-free, but references to any season we have already covered (WIDM 10, 14, 17-23 and Renaissance; België 4-10) may be made.

Additional note: In this episode, you'll find out what's next - and we've been hiding something...


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