Michael & Logan are joined by Amazing Race US legend and bane of the Australian taxi services, Eric Sanchez to discuss 26 episodes worth of shenanigans and success! In this episode:

Where did Doug Roobaker come from?
How long ago was All-Stars?
Who does Eric still speak to?
What is Eric’s casting story?
When did Eric realise him & Danielle would be marketed as a dating couple?
What did Frat Boy Jeremy get up to before the All-Stars finale?
Michael brings out the stats.
Have Eric & Jeremy ever been asked back?
What would happen if BJ & Tyler returned?
Logan makes Eric feel unwelcome.
What is Eric’s main regret post-winning?
How did Oman go so wrong?
We ask a question three years in the making.
Eric finds out what our favourite quote ever is.
How much impact does a Yield have?
Does Eric have a “What If?” moment?
Would Eric have been invited back if he’d won?
Which team did they fear the most?
How predictable were some of the early boots?
Which rivalry was worse?
How did Eric & Danielle perform so well at the “How well do you know your partner?” challenge?
Which team are the Johnny Depp & Amber Heard of the Amazing Race?
Can you use cameramen to find clues?
Were there any horrible camera crews?
How did Eric & Jeremy get around the release signing rule?
How easy is it to guess non-elimination legs?
What got held hostage?
Has Eric seen The Da Vinci Code?
Where did the exit press go?
Why are twists included?
Who would Eric race with in an all-star stranger season?
Logan talks about smelly Sicilian towns.
How crazy was the Australia sprint finish?
What should the non-elimination penalty have been?
What was the hardest challenge?
What keeps Eric watching?
How much luck comes into winning Amazing Race?
How would Eric & Jeremy do on modern Amazing Race?
Do reshoots happen?
Which team lost their passports?
We ask about the 24th best team of all time.
Should there be an all-old people season?
Would Eric do Survivor or Big Brother?
And is Eric pregnant?