Previous Episode: Kennis is Macht

Michael returns alongside fellow Brit Anthony to recap the (slightly delayed) fourth episode of the sixth season of De Mol België. In this episode:

We try and warn people off quiz apps.
What is Anthony’s Mole legacy?
There’s two new suspects.
Did the previously have a hint?
Are we Art lovers?
What is it that we love about Belgian Mole?
There’s another classic de Coster dick moment.
Is Joke playing too hard to be the Mole?
What counts as a position where you can sabotage?
What was nearly Anthony’s intro?
How do you know the value of currencies?
We debate the logistics of an appearance by the Bomb Squad.
Michael breaks a puzzle.
Pieter gets married.
How do you sabotage the warehouse game?
Would they pick another young mole?
Why is De Mol like The Chase?
Anthony tires of riddles.
Why does Belgian Mole love paint bombs?
Can Pieter really be The Mole?
Was the luchador challenge a lost cause?
Who did we think would be executed?
Is winning more important than the cash?
Michael searches for a euphemism.
HaMerotz LaMillion taught us something about Mexico.
Is the clue that someone spotted on Reddit correct?
Did history repeat itself?
Why is context so important when discussing winners?
We eulogise the executed.
Michael really wants to find a hidden clue.
We agree on our suspect lists.
And who will be the next to be executed?