Previous Episode: Gamay: Tank Commander
Next Episode: Fuel Education

Walk when you're told to, as we are back for our first ever season of old Amazing Race recaps - Amazing Race 3! Over these thirteen weeks, three people who are 100% not type C personalities - Logan, Michael & Michelle are recapping the season, continuing with the fourth leg and controversial elimination of Heather & Eve!

In this episode, we look ahead at how ridiculous the next few episodes are, Logan goes back to being nine years old, we worry about Michelle's blood pressure, Aaron's accent work gets critiqued, we try and work out where the Aaron & Arianne and Teri & Ian feud came from, Michael does some train spotting, there's a dramatic retelling of a fight, we pick up on a subtle hint that Eve may have crashed the truck, there's some more sneaky editors' jokes, something gets added to our T-Mobile soundboard, we wonder whether Aaron & Arianne were initially told they were eliminated, Logan reveals the most controversial aspect of the elimination and Michelle tries to Vito someone's name.

You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Logan, Michael & Michelle directly! Thank you for listening - we will see you next week for Leg 5!

Please note: This episode is intended on being spoiler-free - however, as with our other historical recaps, this episode may contain references to episodes that we have already covered - namely from Seasons 23-32; Australia 3; Canada 2-5 and Asia 5. These episodes do skirt the lines of spoilers a little more than normal, due to the slightly more...infamous aspects of the season.

Additional note: Only three more episodes until we hit Episode 400! What will we do? Don't ask us - we've not recorded it yet (at least as of the time of typing)!

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