Previous Episode: The Price is Wrong
Next Episode: The Muriel Principle

Poke, prod, tease and annoy everyone, because we are back for our fourth season of new/old Wie is de Mol episodes - and we're going back to 2014's offering in Hong Kong & the Philippines! Over these nine weeks, three guys who still aren't 100% if they're the Mole or not - Logan, Michael & Bindles – have been recapping and looking back at all that happened on the trip through two countries Michael & Logan know very well between them, concluding with the final two episodes, righteous elimination of Tygo and reveal of Susan as Mole.

In this episode - we delight in Logan's misfortune, Sofie nearly goes home, entire episodes are ignored, a title mystery gets solved, we can finally talk about suspicions, Logan talks about his retirement plans, Michael renews his love for Sofie, Art picks on Freek, the womens' alliance rears its ugly head again, Sofie & Susan need each other, Tygo is examined as a two-season character, Logan accidentally tries to stump the Molestorians, we pitch another All-Star season, everyone's aging, Freek tries to break Michael's love of Finale Fashion, we break down the various dating timelines of WIDM contestants, Aaf is still awesome, we wonder if it's tough to be the Mole, Susan commits an obvious sin, Michael reveals how he knew who the Mole was, Logan is caught out for not paying enough attention, we're paid to praise Mole seasons and we tease what is next.

You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael, Logan & Bindles directly! We will see you in the New Year for Wie is de Mol 2023!

Please note: This season is intended on being spoiler-free, so please watch the episodes along with us. However, any season we have already covered (WIDM 10, 17-22 and Renaissance; België 4-10) is fair game though.

Additional note: Really hope you enjoyed our Hong Kong & Philippines coverage - we'll be back in January for more Mole goodness!

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