Decide whether you or your flatmate is going to be the most mercenary, as Michael, Michelle & Anthony are back to recap Hunted UK's first series, which aired six years to the day! Over the past six weeks, they have been going back to the heady days of 2015, hunting for clues that they missed as a team of very fresh-faced Hunters (and Bleks) searched the UK for fourteen fugitives, concluding with the final episode and escape of Emily, Lauren, Stephen & Martin!

In this episode, we celebrate the end of the longest recording schedule known to man, Michael reveals how this series was spoiled two minutes into the premiere, we potentially miss something in the intro, Emily's edit takes a turn, Lauren appears comfortable, we wonder why they remind us of Ricky's existence again, Anthony questions why Dawn didn't tell the truth about Canterbury, we finally find a situation where Michelle doesn't hate a snitch, there's live googling as we find out about controlled airports, we wonder whether HQ ever expected a clean sweep, we discuss the effect that this series had on the future and there's a small surprise for Anthony.

You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube or you can tweet Michael, Michelle & Anthony directly! We also have an email address for your questions & comments!

Please note: As with our Historical Mole Season coverage, this episode may contain spoilers from series that we have already covered - in this case, Series 2-5.

Additional note: Now we've finished this series, we can finally have a rest. Let's be honest - Anthony & Michelle did between recordings!

Thank you for listening all series - we'll be back in 2022 for Hunted Series 6, but for this year - Your Time on the Race Run... is Over.

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