Thom Singer (@ThomSinger on Twitter) returns to give host Craig Price some tips on being an emcee. Being an emcee or host for a corporate event is nothing like being an emcee at a comedy club. To help with Craig's upcoming hosting duties at Comicpalooza, he decided to look for a professional. Past guest and speaker pal, Thom is widely known as the "Conference Catalyst" and professional emceeing is right in his wheelhouse. The two discuss, what the goals of the emcee is at an event, how to keep things moving along, how to deal with a speaker who goes long. They also discuss another major aspect of emceeing and is far more common, hosting a panel. How do you prepare, how much do you prepare, how do you get quiet guests involved and most importantly, how do you control the one panelist that tries to dominate the time.

Learn more about Thom at and listen to his podcast Cool Things Entreprenuers Do.

APP BONUS: Read Thom's 10 Tips for Being the Master of Ceremonies

Thom Singer (@ThomSinger on Twitter) returns to give host Craig Price some tips on being an emcee. Being an emcee or host for a corporate event is nothing like being an emcee at a comedy club. To help with Craig’s upcoming hosting duties at Comicpalooza, he decided to look for a professional. Past guest and speaker pal, Thom is widely known as the “Conference Catalyst” and professional emceeing is right in his wheelhouse. The two discuss, what the goals of the emcee is at an event, how to keep things moving along, how to deal with a speaker who goes long. They also discuss another major aspect of emceeing and is far more common, hosting a panel. How do you prepare, how much do you prepare, how do you get quiet guests involved and most importantly, how do you control the one panelist that tries to dominate the time.

Learn more about Thom at and listen to his podcast Cool Things Entreprenuers Do.

APP BONUS: Read Thom’s 10 Tips for Being the Master of Ceremonies

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