John Simons, chairman of Comicpalooza (@comicpalooza on twitter) speaks with host Craig Price about putting a comic-con together. The two discuss the modest history of Comicpalooza from it's humble beginnings in a movie theater lobby to the juggernaut can't miss festival that boast 60,000 attendees (more are expected this year!). John explains how he had hoped to grow into a hotel ballroom type of space only to see his comic-con jump into the cavernous George R Brown Convention Center. He talks about how he plans ahead (sometime up to 3 years in advance) for upcoming conventions, who they decide to ask and what type of programming you can expect this year. Craig goes on and on about how great John Barrowman was at Comicpalooza 2014 (It's kind of embarrassing), the diversity of programming available (it's really like 10 small conventions happening at once) and the love of beer while waiting in line.

Comicpalooza's mission is to provide the best and biggest annual multi-format pop culture convention in the southwest region of the United States, serving not only the fans of comics, science fiction, fantasy, video and table top gaming, anime, music and film, but also as a trade show and showcase for the studios, publishers, and manufacturers in those industries.

This year Comicpalooza is happening on May 22nd through the 25th. You can learn about all the guests currently scheduled (Craig is excited to see Haley Atwell and Henry Winkler) at 

John Simons, chairman of Comicpalooza (@comicpalooza on twitter) speaks with host Craig Price about putting a comic-con together. The two discuss the modest history of Comicpalooza from it’s humble beginnings in a movie theater lobby to the juggernaut can’t miss festival that boast 60,000 attendees (more are expected this year!). John explains how he had hoped to grow into a hotel ballroom type of space only to see his comic-con jump into the cavernous George R Brown Convention Center. He talks about how he plans ahead (sometime up to 3 years in advance) for upcoming conventions, who they decide to ask and what type of programming you can expect this year. Craig goes on and on about how great John Barrowman was at Comicpalooza 2014 (It’s kind of embarrassing), the diversity of programming available (it’s really like 10 small conventions happening at once) and the love of beer while waiting in line.

Comicpalooza’s mission is to provide the best and biggest annual multi-format pop culture convention in the southwest region of the United States, serving not only the fans of comics, science fiction, fantasy, video and table top gaming, anime, music and film, but also as a trade show and showcase for the studios, publishers, and manufacturers in those industries.

This year Comicpalooza is happening on May 22nd through the 25th. You can learn about all the guests currently scheduled (Craig is excited to see Haley Atwell and Henry Winkler) at