Are you a busy parent with a relentless full-time job that leaves you without a moment to breathe and very little quality time for your family? Have you ever asked yourself whether this is the lifestyle you signed up for? Have you found yourself proud of your career success but craving something that gives you more time, more flexibility, and less stress?

In this episode, you’ll hear from a husband and wife team who got out of the full-time rat race. Palak Shah and Niti Jamdar had climbed the corporate ladder and were feeling quite successful until they had kids. That's when they suddenly found themselves in the midst of a hectic schedule, dragging kids to daycare, working all day, and then coming home exhausted as they fed the kids and put them to bed.

You will find out how they made the difficult decision to quit the corporate world and pursue real estate full-time, and how they scaled their business in just 5 years. They are currently celebrating the launch of their new book: “Accelerate Your Real Estate” for Bigger Pockets Publishing.

If you’d like help getting off the treadmill and creating real wealth, sign up for a free RealWealth membership. Our investment counselors can walk you through the process. You’ll also get access to hundreds of webinars and other resources. Just go to And please remember to subscribe to this podcast and leave a review!

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