With high interest rates pouring cold water on the housing market, many people are sitting on the sidelines waiting for a pause in the madness. However, seasoned investors are seeing things a bit differently. Many of them are looking at homebuyer hesitation as an opportunity to get deals without a lot of competition. In this episode, you’ll hear from my partner on our single family rental fund to explain why we are diving into deals when others are backing off.

Leah and her husband Michael started a Dallas-based realty 17 years ago and they now manage more than 1,500 properties for themselves and other investors. They are actively working to expand their multimillion dollar portfolio. In fact, they have put their plans into high gear and have bought more than 80 properties so far this year. Born and raised in Dallas, they knew the area was poised for growth when they were just teenagers.

If you'd like to get in touch with Leah and find out more about our rental fund, please go to www.growdevelopments.com. You can create an account, declare your accreditation, and invest in our North Dallas Rental Fund at the website.

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