If you’ve already bought your first investment property, you may recall the initial fear you had about managing it. And that was just one property. But many investors find out it’s not that tricky, and quickly scale up once they’ve dipped their toes in the water. It can become addicting to feel the success of a good deal that brings you the kind of wealth and free time you can get from a growing investment portfolio.

In this episode, you’ll hear from someone who met her Fannie/Freddie loan limit but figured out how to get financing on many more properties. Elaine Stageberg now owns more than 200 single-family rentals with her husband Nick, and many more properties as joint ventures or within privately equity funds. Find out how she does it in this interview!

Elaine is a psychiatrist, a mother of four, and the owner of a private equity firm. She reached financial freedom at age 30, and currently manages a portfolio of over one-thousand doors worth more than $300 million. She lives in Rochester, Minnesota, with her husband and four young children.

If you would like help getting your real estate portfolio started or learning how to scale it, sign up for a free RealWealth membership at https://tinyurl.com/joinrealwealth958. You'll find hundreds of real estate webinars and articles to help you on your way, along with data on various rental markets, real estate professionals that can support you, and our experienced investment counselors who can answer your questions.

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Links for our guest:

Facebook Group, Real Estate at Scale: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reale...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blackswanrea...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/8101...

Elaine’s Calendly: https://calendly.com/elainestageberg