Podcasts are often filled with experts who make it sound too easy to reach those financial freedom goals. Many are often pushing their own agendas as well, and are trying to sell you something. That might create information overload for new investors who are trying to figure out where they should begin. But even the most successful investors started somewhere, and that’s often the story you don’t hear – what it’s like at the very beginning of the journey. It’s an often untold story that could help new investors feel more confident about taking their own first steps.

In today’s episode, you’ll hear from someone like that. Kyle Parker and his wife are both full-time engineers with a healthy income, but after reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Kyle realized the value of passive income through real estate investing. He’s now in the midst of taking his first steps with a handful of real estate  syndications but he wants to increase his passive income paycheck so he can become job optional sooner than later. You’ll hear details about how he’s managing his finances right now, and how he’s deciding what he should do next with real estate.

You can find out more about getting your own real estate operation off the ground at realwealthshow.com. It’s free to join and get complete access to all our information and services, including our experienced investment counselors and other real estate professionals.

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