We’ve all got a few badass stories, so why not turn them into something that creates an impact? Even though we ALL have stories… only about two-percent of those who want to write a book actually follow TF through. 

Because we know that action takers get results, Nicole is sitting down with Kristin Bently, badass CEO and founder of E.P. House, an international award-winning boutique publishing house that is revolutionizing the traditional publishing industry. 

Her extensive industry experience means she knows a thing or two about what it takes to help Unicorns just like you to articulate the ROI of their best stories, overcome imposter syndrome, and use their writing to create a ripple of impact. 

Ready to spend (x minutes) shifting your stories into something tangible? Be an Action Taker and hit that MF play button. 


Want to connect with Kristin?  Find her here!!!



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 Real Unicorns Don't Wear Pants!