Goal of this podcast episode is to give you the knowledge in order to help you have a smoother pregnancy, easier delivery, and easier postpartum recovery.

Topics we discuss:

What happens to the body during pregnancy that would warrant someone to see a pelvic floor PT. Why a pelvic floor PT specifically

Posture and movement & implication on the bony structure of the body and the soft tissue (core)

Common problems that people experience during pregnancy & how pelvic floor PT helps

Hyperemesis gravidarum 


Low back pain


Fluid retention

Pain with sex 



We talk about how a pelvic floor PT understands how the different systems interact/affect one another. 

Dysbiosis within the gut

Identify risk factors associated with these issues and address those risk factors before person becomes symptomatic

Imbalances within the body that result in movement impairments that place excessive stressors on the body

When addressed proactively, a lot less care is needed. Versus waiting till symptoms arise. The problem that we see is that people don’t believe it is going to happen to them until it does.

We talk about what happens to the body during delivery that would warrant someone to see a pelvic floor PT specifically.

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