With the divorce rate almost 70%, and with Christian unions experiencing the same percentage or higher divorce rate, it is apparent that couples are struggling to have healthy, wholesome and satisfying marriages.

What exactly are the contributing factors to rocky marriages? Why are men and women investing so much time and money in planning a beautiful wedding but not using that same effort to plan a wonderful marriage?

Join us for our 2nd monthly installment of Secret Sundays as Dr. Harold Arnold, author of the brand new book "Marriage Rocks For Christian Couples" will teach, heal and transform rocky marriages into marriages that rock because they are built and maintained on "The Rock".

Dr. Arnold will give riveting information on how couples how to elevate their marriage to a higher level of physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy by incorporating timeless principles of redemption, offering, covenant, knowledge, and sacred space into their relationship.

If you are in a rocky marriage or blessed to be in a marriage that rocks, or want to know how to prepare yourself for a healthy union then THIS SHOW IS FOR YOU!

Call 347-215-6446 or join us in chat. One lucky will win a copy of Dr. Arnold's book "Marriage Rocks For Christian Couples.