Blog Talk Radio is blowing up! The shows, the guests and the topics are are revolutionizing the internet airwaves. New host and best selling author Tanya White is ready to launch in to the BTR waters. Her new show, Real Talk With Tanya White is going to always be RATED R because it's got to be RELEVANT! It's got to be REFRESHING! But most importantly, it's got to be REAL! Tune in for Tanya's first of three preshows on Thursday, December 4, 2008 at 6 P.M. EST, 5 P.M. CST & 3 P.M. PST before she goes fullforce in the BTR airwaves beginning Thursday, January 8, 2009.

SPECIAL GUEST CO-HOST WILL BE CHERILYN VONN BTR HOST OF UNVEILING THE Who is this woman from Louisville, Kentucky? What does she have to say? Why is she RATED R? Find out the answers to those questions as well as get some expert advice from other Blog Talk Hosts. All BTR hosts are welcomed to call in and offer words of wisdom and share host testimonies of triumphs as well as tragedies. Don't miss this show! Call the show at (347) 215-6446!