Buckle up #Lunatics, it’s about to get bumpy in here! Today’s guest is Tiphani Montgomery, and what she has to say in her return visit to Real Talk is going to shake you to the core.

Tiphani is an influencer, speaker, and social entrepreneur who specializes in leading business development for emerging entrepreneurs helping to scale their online businesses, and she her first appearance on this podcast is our most downloaded episode ever!

On the road to millions there is no one path, and in this episode Tiphani opens up about her own journey and why she always bets on herself. You’ll hear how she learned she had an amazing gift for writing, her unique marketing strategy for selling her first book, and the way she has learned the lesson that you really just have to start and not wait until you know everything.

She also reveals why she created her super-successful Millions Conference and how the event got started, and became, what it is today. To get all the details for this years event happening on July 5th and 6th in Washington, DC, go to https://www.millionsconference.com/.

Tiphani shares a lot about her faith and relationship with God, and the role that this plays in her life and business every single day. Boundaries, your identity, money mindsets, it’s all here (and more!) in this powerful episode of Real Talk. Confidence Activated 2019 is happening in Atlanta June 1-2, 2019 and VIP is already SOLD OUT! Grab your tickets ASAP over at http://confidenceactivated.com/  Use code: 25OFF to save 25% at checkout

Want more from Rachel? Visit http://www.rachelluna.biz/webinar 

Grab a FREE chapter of Rachel's upcoming book, Girl, Confident Visit http://girlconfident.com.





Tiphani’s Book Club on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1364944520222349/

Her First Appearance on Real Talk: http://www.rachelluna.biz/podcast-episodes/2017/11/14/e54

Marshawn Evans Daniel’s Episode: http://www.rachelluna.biz/podcast-episodes/2018/4/10/e69-believing-bigger-ft-marshawn-evans-daniels