Recording date: 2019-01-31

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Adam Baldwin @adam_baldwin


Details about the Event Stream Incident
News about the Event Stream Incident
Package Locks
npm Audit
Comparing npm audit with Snyk
Private Packages
Ways to Have Your Private npm Registry
The Rogue Gallery of Cybersecurity Bad Actors
FaceTime Audio Bug
Two Factor Authentication
How Serverless Works to Manage HaveIBeenPwned

Someone to follow

@ManfredSteyer /
@ShmuelaJ /


00:57 Guest Introduction
02:23 Javascript security in the news
05:29 Should we be worried about this happening again?
06:54 What's the best course of action when you see security warnings?
08:56 What is Greenkeeper?
10:18 Sponsor: Nativescript
10:52 Comparing npm audit and snyk
14:33 What do people who want to have a corporate acccount do?
21:22 Using a real world example
24:08 Are there times where it can't figure out what to do?
26:16 Isn't there a way to just keep malware out of the registry?
28:22 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
29:23 What's a bad actor?
34:17 FaceTime group call bug
36:05 Recommended tips for security
39:34 What's the state of 2 factor auth?
42:31 When we pass software to clients, how can we secure things?
45:08 Someone to follow


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