“Great Shall Be Their Reward and Eternal Shall be Their Glory”

God is Good
Find Your Sacred Grove
Ripped Jeans
Big Heaven, Small Hell

What is heaven? What are the characteristics of celestial people? How do you think we reacted when Lucifer was cast out?

Doctrine and Covenants 76, as Scott would say, “revolutionizes the Plan of Salvation.” We learn about the celestial, terrestrial, and telestial kingdoms, and we also get answers to questions about satan and the fall of Lucifer.

Ganel-Lyn and Scott have some amazing insights when it comes to this incredible section, so don’t miss out on today’s episode!

Invitation: Am I seeing as I am seen? Am I knowing as I am known?

Links to in-video references:
Come Follow Me through the Doctrine and Covenants | Scott Sorensen

“Let God Prevail” | Russell M. Nelson

Come Follow Me home study help for Individuals & Families. Presented by Seagull Book & Produced by Covenant Communications.