As we wade into the 2020 election season the big question on most of our minds is, are the Democrats going to file to impeach President Trump? As you know some of the Freshmen class of reps were elected on their vow to impeach Trump. Both Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters have waffled on the impeachment thing. Waters seems ready to get the trial started while Adam Shiff is putting on the brakes. 

What will Pelosi do? This will take her stamp of approval to go through at this point. Can the Democrats be successful in removing Trump from office or damaging him enough to lose in 2020?  Will "establishment" Republicans, that have pretty quiet so far see this as their chance to rid their party of the "Orange Plague?

It makes for great political theater and intrigue. But what is it doing to the country. Some believe it is needed to protect the country while other believe it is tering aprt the fabric of our nation.