@gritz_n_gunpowa on Instagram is an anomily, a black voice that refuses to buy into the current media culture. Keith, ( his real name) speaks out against the culture of eath that the left is nw openly supporting. 

Today we talk about Planned Parenthood and their assualt on Black America. We also try to figure out why so many Black women feel the need to continue to throw in their lot with their oppressors.

Do you realize that the spirit of Margret Sanger walks the halls of every PPH "clinic" to this day? Can you honestly grasp the truth and the sinister push to vacate your womb of a life that was created by God through a divine spark. Sisters, you are fighting and protesting not FOR "healthcare and choice" you are forging your armor and sharpening your sword to do battle against GOD. How can we in the name of sanity say that a baby dolphin is...a BABY dolphin but a child moving while in darkness in it's mothers womb is nothing more then a clump of cells? BLACK WOMEN have you not learned anything from your past? Can you imagine the fear and the anguish black mother's felt as their son's were drug from the slave quarters by men filled with hate and a sadistic joy, only to hear his screams from the wooded darkness. Or smell the musky scent of brutal rape on the night gown of your daughter filled with the semen of her master.Mrs. Sanger is clapping her hands and thanking you for doing in life what she could've never accomplish through death...and that was to eradicate the negro