0:18 | Three Alberta mayors give us a candid, no holds barred assessment of their communities' biggest challenges. Cathy Heron (St. Albert), Tyler Gandam (Wetaskiwin), and Angela Duncan (Alberta Beach) join Ryan around the Real Talk Round Table. 

2:58 | It's been a few straight weeks of frigid temperatures. There have been numerous deaths reported (recorded is another matter) amongst members of the homeless population. Is it possible to *actually* solve homelessness? 

13:56 | Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's Sovereignty Act puts municipalities in a tough spot. We get into why, and what the implications might be. 

26:10 | What is Alberta Municipalities, anyway? The mayors help us better understand the mandate and membership of this high-profile organization, and why its advocacy matters.

FOLLOW THEM ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ABmunis

31:10 | Talk to the mayor of any community, and the conversation will eventually land on policing. We get an update on how plans for an Alberta Provincial Police force will impact the average citizen and communities as a whole.

36:16 | Homelessness is one thing - affordable housing is another. What's being done for people just barely keeping a roof over their heads, or trying to get there? What are municipalities doing to make affordable housing a more realistic option for thousands of desperate and deserving people? 

44:28 | Do our mayors fear all the "good" people are being chased away from politics? (Here's where things get really real.)

52:30 | What's with this new recycling initiative? Mayor Heron explains what's changing, and who's paying for what.

57:01 | Mayors Gandam, Duncan, and Heron each leave us with something to consider...a "holiday charge," if you will. 

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